Bluff-to-value ratios are a subset of devising balanced ranges. Specifically, they describe the proportion of value hands to bluffs within our betting range on a particular street (flop, turn, river) of action. Our goal with bluff-to-value ratios is to construct them in a manner that not only balances our range but also prevents our opponent from profiting by calling. More specifically, they aim to make our opponents indifferent between calling and folding by nullifying the profitability of either action, resulting in an equilibrium where the EV of calling equals the EV of folding, equating to zero.
Our bet size dictates how many value hands we should have per bluff, which is easy to determine using our simple bluff-to-value ratio calculator below.
Bluff-to-Value Ratio Calculator
Pot Odds %:
Bluff %:
Value Bet %:
Value Bets per Bluff:
Bluff-to-Value Ratio:
The Bluff-to-Value Ratio Calculator helps determine the balanced ratio of bluffs to value bets based on the pot odds price offered to your opponent. By maintaining this ratio, you can ensure that your opponent cannot exploit your betting patterns.