Pot Odds Calculator
Pot odds are the immediate odds we’re being offered when we call a bet in poker. The important aspect of this definition is immediate because, with pot odds, it’s all…
Implied Odds Calculator
You can think of implied odds as an extension of pot odds. While pot odds are considered our direct and immediate odds when calling a bet, implied odds are our…
Expected Value (EV) Calculator
EV is how much we expect to win or lose on average, over the long run, based upon a specific scenario in poker. Every single situation and scenario in poker…
The Importance of Math in Poker
In the world of poker, where strategies and mind games reign supreme, one aspect often gets overlooked – math. Many players underestimate the role that mathematics plays in poker, considering…
Being Balanced in Poker
Picture this, you arrive at the river with the stone-cold nuts. Eager to make as much money as possible, you push all-in. Alas, your opponent folds; it must not be…